Sunday, November 1, 2015

AutoHotKey - Windows on Top

I created simple application to support Point of Sales application by using AutoHotKey open source application. It's easy to learn and implement. The point of my simple application is that I want to make a form to be on top of others windows form on the desktop. In my case, "a form" is run by RunCommand.exe. By creating this simple script, compile it into executable file (.exe), and put it on windows startup folder, it will run and force "a form" to be on top of other window forms.

Simple and pretty cool !

AutoHotKey script:

SetTimer, WatchExistXButtonWindow, 500

if WinExist("ahk_exe C:\RunCommand.exe")
    WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, ON, ahk_exe C:\RunCommand.exe

To know more about AutoHotKey :

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